Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Angsty or Anxious?

As much as I love Los Angeles, I have difficulty spending extended periods of time here. If I believed in astrology, I'd chalk it up to my Sagittarian wanderlust. Whatevs. Really, it's all about getting stuck in a rut. Work-home-sleep-work. Five days a week. Weekends? Shop-home-BOREDOM. You see, I spend the majority of my weekends alone as my other half works. While some people cherish alone time, it leaves me alone with my thoughts. And the dog, while good for some fun, is not the best conversationalist even when she is talking.

Which is why I like to get out of town. Unfortunately, this is happening less frequently nowadays, because of school or schedules or what have you. I used to be in Vegas once every six weeks, now it's every two months, and only because my roots are showing and you can see the white hairs and I MUST HAVE MY HAIR DONE.

(You can't tell it's time to have it done again, can you?)

I have gotten to Palm Springs a couple times this year, but when you get in on Friday night and leave on Sunday it's enough time to drink a couple bottles of champagne and eat a steak and then start the week over again. I never really quite STOP.

It wears on me - I get tired and cranky and the slightest thing can send me over the edge into a sobbing puddle. Like dirty dishes. I'm not ashamed of it; I don't try to hide it. And I'm not depressed or anything, just overwhelmed from time to time.

All of this to say that I think this week's angst stems from my upcoming escape for four whole days! I just want to not be at work or at home for a little bit so I can step back and regroup before what could quite possibly be the roughest summer ever.

Because full-time work on multiple projects - any useful assistance in the office + full-time school = well, I don't know what yet.

I guess we'll find out together.


At 12:28 PM, Blogger shelleycoughlin said...

Don't worry, you'll make it. I promise. :) But grad school sure does suck the life right out of you, doesn't it?


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