"He really loved kids. He coached them even before he had his own daughter. He was the one guy who could outlast their energy. When we grew up neither one of us played soccer, but he got into it because he loved working with kids and the team needed a coach. He spent countless hours in the yard with his own daughter, and he was coach of his daughter's soccer team at the time of his death. Family was very important to my brother. He was a reservist, and the reason he went off active duty after 10 years was to spend more time with his family."
-Maj. Jim Elseth, brother
A man with a wife and a daughter.
A soccer coach and Sunday School teacher.
Junior Officer of the Year for Newport Naval Ashore Commands.
A Lt. Commander in the Naval Reserve.
A founding partner of Delta Resources, Inc. a defense consulting firm.
A man who was in the Naval Command Center five years ago.
One of the 2,996.
I remember.