Dear Officemates:
All of you.
I've never been so glad that I have to drive an hour to class than I am right. this. minute.
Because it means I get to leave the office.
And the chewing.
Refusing the urge to buy sensible shoes until my degree is complete.
Work work. School work.
What it would be like to go just go to school and not have to do anything else. What's it like not to have to work 40 hours a week (ok, be in an office for 40 hours a week)? People go to school for years and never work a real job. How does one go 30 years and never work a full-time job, either in their profession or just to pay the bills? What happens when you're done with school and you actually have to get a job? You've probably never functioned in a real work environment outside of the halls of academia - is that just total overload?
While this story isn't about the following paragraph, it's the one that truly stood out to me...
So, yesterday was my four-year anniversary at work.
This right here is what might keep me from ever getting the Little Prince emblazoned on my back.
And done.
PHP and DTD are my bitches today.
So unwell. So so unwell.